Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Woodruff in Anger

7 in the evening 
I stood up in the rain 
13 minutes passed 
since I left my early poems, muted, 
in the rain
as I was 
Leave-taking my London train 

In Brighton Station 
I stood up trying to do a Mary Poppins
with my golden gadget umbrella-in blue
floating up to the highest height

I was going through a terrible eye pain
gripping a hot starbucks coffee
my goblet dropped down
in the last flush of the shore light 

My muses went betimes elated 
By a wonderfully glimpsing star light
it enlightened me,
set off some strangely surreal delight 
upon my telltale sky
and that made my eyes' day 

my eyes were contented I
bought a Blue Trench Coat
from churchill square

my new umbrella couldn’t withstand the heavy rain

I stood up in the rain
waiting for 27 Westdene,
inside the bus 
My Ferragano glasses fell into my gypsy bag
at arm's length from me
There I met a man who 
looked hefty and stout 
but the truth, a human vigor 
comes not from body muscles
but from his long journey of soul pain

By Tongdean Road
Each of us chose to drop off 
He was much in pain 
His face looked young and pale
He’s stifling in agony 
Did he know his pain
drove me enough insane

At Meadow Close 
Something I saw in his twinge
Something weird and insane 
I said that's no fair,
You die in solo dance
It’s no fair, You who dies in pain
You die in solo human pace

So your fever 
to convalesce, 

have you seen 
the last scene of
Love in Andalus? 

Have you planted 
Your hands to serve 
a darvish who is madly whirling in love? 
Have you not withdrawn 
a soft swan song
near Woodruff Avenue or
In Valley Goldstone?

Have you drunk from the river of 
and dried your pain 
with embroidered towels 
tearing in the wind?

A swift pang I have received
in my heart 
a too shelling pain
Into Meadow Close 

Something I saw in his twinge
Something weird and insane 
I said that's no fair,
You die in solo pain
in the rain

I stood up trying to do a Mary Poppins
with my golden gadget umbrella 
floating up to the highest height
I was going through a terrible eye pain

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